Arquivo do autor:Angie Costa

Sobre Angie Costa

Estudante e professora de inglês.

Da Puberdade à Capacidade

Fórum 1 – Código Civil Brasileiro

A Lei 10.406/2002 instituiu o Código Civil Brasileiro (CCB). Nesta lei encontramos várias normas jurídicas que regulamentam as relações entre particulares. Inclusive, a Lei de Introdução às normas do Direito Brasileiro expressa que “ninguém se escusa de cumprir a lei, alegando que não a conhece”, ou seja, ninguém pode fazer ou deixar de fazer algo dizendo que “não conhece a lei”.
Acesse o texto integral da lei aqui e responda: você alguma vez já tinha pesquisado alguma informação nesta lei? Se não, por que nunca teve curiosidade? Se sim, que informação pesquisou? Foi útil a resposta encontrada?

Até meus 17 anos, morei em uma cidade pacata e sem muita fonte de informação. Meu tio avô sempre teve o hábito de visitar seus muitos parentes espalhados pelo Nordeste, e uma das suas visitas coincidiu com o início de minha puberdade. Ele aproveitou para termos uma conversa que nunca esqueci. Mas essa conversa não foi sobre as diferenças que iriam ocorrer com o meu corpo, e sim sobre a minha responsabilidade perante a sociedade, ou você pode chamar de direitos e obrigações.

Explicou o quanto era importante estudar mesmo depois que terminasse o Ensino Médio (a minha cidade não dispõe de Ensino Superior até hoje), tentou me explicar o quanto é gratificante gastar um dinheiro que você mesmo ganhou e o quão isso muda tanto o modo de você ver a vida, quanto o modo como as pessoas começam a lhe tratar. Me falou também coisas como começar a pagar impostos num carnê avulso para me aposentar mais cedo, e outras coisas que não entendi na época e me arrependo muito de não ter seguido à risca!

Eu tinha 12 anos e isso me incentivou a começar a trabalhar com a minha mãe em seu comércio e, aos 16, consegui meu primeiro emprego trabalhando de telefonista num dos órgãos da Prefeitura. Desde então nunca parei de estudar ou trabalhar, e também de atormentar meu pai com perguntas referentes à política brasileira. Posso dizer então que estes dois foram quem primeiro me serviram de fonte de informação sobre Direitos Civis, Administração Pública e outras muitas coisas.

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Publicado por em 5 05America/Fortaleza abril 05America/Fortaleza 2017 em 1.3-Introdução ao Direito


My New Year’s Resolutions

This year I’ll start being more careful about my health. I’ll exercise more and do checkups at the doctor. That’s a thing that I really hate to do, but I will.

Also, I was thinking about helping my family on their studies. The city where they live is a bit small and there’re no opportunities after high school, so I was planning on furnishing the second bedroom for my niece and my cousin to live with me. But for that, I must get a job. That’s why I’m going to search for it day and night.

There’s a thing that I’ve been planning for many years now. I’d love to have a small particular library at home, but that’s harder than I thought. Even telling everyone that “if you want to make me happy, give me books”. They never do, though. No problem. I’ll get it eventually.

I have two main things in my life now. One of them is my college course, so I’m going to put more of myself into it. As it should be, if one wants to get a good job. The other one is making new good friends, from job, college, church or wherever. I’m just going to surround myself by people that are worthy being friends with. That’s handy when you just came back to a city where everyone you knew has left town.

With the accomplishment of these goals, I’m sure I’m going to be healthier, happier and, of course, I’ll keep making new plans and feel confident enough to just go for it.


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Publicado por em 14 14America/Fortaleza junho 14America/Fortaleza 2016 em 3.7-Língua Inglesa III


Asian’s human hearts

They told me to write about an accident that had happened to me, so here we go.

In January of 2013 I was working in another country as a bartender, so I used to lift heavy things. Eventually it hurt my back but it didn’t happen while at work. The pain hit me when I was getting out of bed.

 I didn’t have any relatives and I didn’t know anyone that I could count on besides my roommates that were working at the other side of the city. So I tried to get up and it hurt so badly that I almost couldn’t bear.

I managed to get my phone and call a taxi and the taxi driver was the one who helped me to get in it. At the hospital he again helped me to get out and took me inside. I was so troubled that I didn’t realize that I hadn’t paid for the ride and neither did he remember to charge.

At the hospital, they were all very nice and friendly. The doctor told me to buy an expensive but powerful painkiller and gave me a sick leave of 15 days. I couldn’t move and the nurse told me to handle him the money so he could buy it for me at a drugstore nearby. That was when I realized I had forgotten my wallet at home! I started panicking and he said that HE would buy it for me. It was too expensive but I was in need so I accepted his help promising that I would pay him back. He just said ok and went to get it for me.

When it was time to go home I panicked again and the doctor said HE would pay the hospital bills. I was so confused by these people’s behavior but I made the same promise and asked them to call the same taxi so I could at least pay him too.

Well, end of story, I got better after almost the exact 15 days and went to pay them back. And I was surprised because they were NOT surprised! I asked them WHY and they said: That’s the normal behavior in this country, ma’am. If you see someone acting differently it’s because they are outsiders.

nmcI don’t remember their names, but this was the hospital: NMC Specialty Hospital Abu Dhabi.

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Publicado por em 14 14America/Fortaleza junho 14America/Fortaleza 2016 em 3.7-Língua Inglesa III


Fearless mama lioness / Sweet mama chicken

The person I want to write about today is my grandmother (from my mom’s side). I was actually named after her. Her name is Maria Creusa and she is 76 years old. She lives in a small town south of Ceará, a state northeast of Brazil.

Her life career is that one which women use to work harder than anyone, 24/7 and never get paid for it: housewife. Even as a kid because she was the eldest of many. She just got the studies for read and write. And of course, she’s a mother. And what a mother! She’s got eleven kids. Two of them died before reaching the age of 2 because of their tough life and lack of health government assistance in that region back then. Seventeen years ago, she lost another son and she still cries like it was yesterday at the mention of his name, because that’s how she is.

She is a great woman, very in love with her husband (she uses to recite poems to him every opportunity of family gathering), she treats her every child, grandchild, and even her sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, like her own. The term children-in-law comes to my mind with kindness. She even adopted another girl and it influenced (the girl) to do the same later.

An interesting thing about my grandma is that, even with all that love emanating from her, her presence implies some fear too, for she almost turns into a lioness when someone tries to hurt her offspring. That, I can tell. Though she’s not that tall. She’s actually quite shorter than me. I’m getting very much alike her as I get older. But she’s tan and has dark straight hair (which I don’t). I’m guessing that my resemblance with her is just an inner wish of mine! Sorry about that.

“Dona Creusa” looks very strong for her age. She never smoked or drank alcohol and becomes feline when one of her boys shows up at home acting strange or smelling weird. She and my grandpa always worked very hard. She manages the milk that my grandpa takes from the cows every dawn. She strains it, separates it in bottles and he goes around selling it to the awakening city. She’s got some help now but, before, she was the one who cleaned, coked and raised all her kids while helping grandpa with the farm’s chores.

Well, nowadays, she has a family of 60 people all over Brazil and some went to study abroad. 9 “kids”, 25 grandkids, 9 great-grandkids and one more on the way. I’m counting 60 because if I don’t tell about the 16 in-law, she kind of growls! A funny fact about our family is that it’s mostly made by women.  There are 38 of us and just 21 men. And each one of us want to be just like her and grandpa. 

PS: Don’t tell her that I’m calling her lioness. When she wants us to compare her with an animal, she always says that she’s like a mama chicken because she has room for every one of her little chicks under her wings.

CapturarThese are Seu Mina and Dona Creusa

Esta é uma versão mais “completa” de uma atividade da faculdade. Só postei aqui porque, às vezes, eu escrevo demais e isso pode se tornar muito cansativo para alguns. Afinal, é pra isso que os blogs existem, certo? *

*This is a “full version” of a College activity. I just posted it here because I like to write too much and it can be tiresome for some people. That’s why the blogs exist, right?

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Publicado por em 14 14America/Fortaleza junho 14America/Fortaleza 2016 em 3.7-Língua Inglesa III


Eu Aprendi

Eu aprendi…
…que ignorar os fatos não os altera;

Eu aprendi…
…que quando você planeja se nivelar com alguém, apenas esta permitindo que essa pessoa continue a magoar você;

Eu aprendi…
…que o AMOR, e não o TEMPO, é que cura todas as feridas;

Eu aprendi…
…que ninguém é perfeito até que você se apaixone por essa pessoa;

Eu aprendi…
…que a vida é dura, mas eu sou mais ainda;

Eu aprendi…
…que as oportunidades nunca são perdidas; alguém vai aproveitar as que você perdeu.

Eu aprendi…
…que quando o ancoradouro se torna amargo a felicidade vai aportar em outro lugar;

Eu aprendi…
…que não posso escolher como me sinto, mas posso escolher o que fazer a respeito;

Eu aprendi…
…que todos querem viver no topo da montanha, mas toda felicidade e crescimento ocorre quando você esta escalando-a;

Eu aprendi…
…que quanto menos tempo tenho, mais coisas consigo fazer.

H. Jackson Brown Jr


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Publicado por em 21 21America/Fortaleza maio 21America/Fortaleza 2015 em 1.3-Língua Portuguesa

Sobrado 518

Sobre arte, cultura e fé cristã.